We finally added badges, which reflect your expertise and role in the optics community (thanks @SpireStarter for the recommendation!).
Currently, there are badges for optical design, software developers, metrology experts, and illumination designers, as well as teachers and advocates of optics. I plan to add more badges, if you all think of any badges that you want listed please let me know. Some of you may have already seen a badge pop up, if so it is because I went back and did my best to tag posts that merited a badge.
As a side note, I was recently made aware of some potential hiring managers pursuing the forum, so if you are looking for a job and want to promote yourself make a post or drop a reply highlighting your expertise and I will be sure to add a badge to your name! This will let everyone know your role and experience!
Wow, that was fast! Thanks, @lrgraves ! This is so great.
Am I not seeing a link already on the main page to find other users? And is there a way to search by badge?
When I’m looking for an OE to subcontract to or send projects directly to when I don’t have time to manage them, here are some other “badge” categories in my head that I sort by:
Within illumination:
Luminaries (commercial/residential have regulatory requirements and different data formats you need to export to clients)
Exterior Automotive Lighting (again, different regulatory knowledge is key here. When someone has this they are highly qualified for other types of regulated headlamp designs – for example, electric scooter headlamps.)
Lit Effects (on the illumination side, but almost considered displays at times. Artistic bent a la Amazon’s Echo Spy Device. Interior automotive lighting could also fall in this category)

Within Imaging:
Near Eye (including AR/VR, + all the other weird stuff our companies came across in that category last year.
Machine Vision
Display Tech (or maybe this doesn’t belong in imaging, but its own thing? I mean when you form an image like an iPhone screen. I do NOT mean the pretty trim lighting for other types of displays, nor back-lit text panels like in a car’s dashboard or a cockpit. I consider those illumination-side designs.)
Plain Ole Imaging Optic Design (For most everything else imaging. I guess that would be what you consider the “optical design” box?)
Within LASER Stuff
Laser Development (actually putting together laser specs to build a custom laser)
Laser PROCESS Development (developing the running specs of the laser to use within a larger manufacturing process - like heat-treating - or a lab process.)
NON-Imaging Sensor Stuff
Non-Imaging Sensors (these can be IR sensors or things like distance measurement or detection sensors that use IR or Visible light plus a CMOS or CCD but aren’t creating an image.).
Fiber Optics
…Probably some I’m forgetting. I’ve come across so many friggin random projects while wandering around the world!
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