Julius Muschaweck on Illumination and Education

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Our guest this week is Julius Muschaweck, who has an extensive and impressive background in illumination. He discusses his prior work in the field, the importance of LEDs, and his current work on fostering education on this overlooked area of physics and creating an active illumination community. I greatly enjoyed this conversation, Julius is clearly an expert in illumination, and is excellent and teaching about these topics. I strongly encourage listeners to explore is personal page, his announced courses (I intend to attend them), and his free webinars, shared in the related resources section.

Related Resources:

Julius’ Personal Website

Julius’ LinkedIn Page

Julius’ Illumination Course Announcement

OSRAM Company

Arri Cameras Company

Communities of Practice Introduction

Julius’ Webinar “What is Etendue and Why is it Important?”

Julius’ Webinar “Source Modeling in Illumination Optics”

Data Format Standard for Sharing Light Source Measurements

@SpireStarter hopefully I didn’t expose too badly my lack of knowledge in the illumination area. Julius had some incredible insight on various topics in illumination, and I can honestly say this was the first time the concept of etendue has made sense to me!

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Haha I’m sure your rep is intact.

Love that you’re adding the YouTube video as a content format! I’ll definitely check this out. Thanks for doing this interview with Julius!