Dr. Shelby D V Ament on Computer Generated Holograms, Metrology, and Art

This week I spoke with Dr. Shelby D V Ament, who is currently a senior optical scientist at Arizona Optical Metrology. Shelby discusses how she decided to enter optics, why art was an essential aspect of arriving into the field, and her dissertation work pairing holograms and solar energy. She also discusses her passion for optics outreach and teaching the community and younger generation about optics. I have had the pleasure of working with Shelby in a professional role, and her knowledge and expertise in optics is consistently inspiring. I highly recommend this episode, for insights on how optics bridges seemingly unrelated areas like art, and for absolutely the best explanation of computer generated holograms, and how they are used in practice, that you can get anywhere.

Additional Links:
Dr. Shelby D V Ament’s LinkedIn
Arizona Optical Metrology, where you can work with Shelby if you need a CGH.
Dr. Ament’s Dissertation: Vorndran, S. D. (2016). Diffractive optical element design for lateral spectrum splitting photovoltaics (Order No. 10109718). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ University of Arizona; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1796855096).
Helmholtz On the Sensations of Tone, the final reference to how harmonics impact the ‘quality’ of music.